Meet Piwik, an alternative to Google Analytics

By Jean Hertel, 11/6/16

piwik , paranoia

Hello readers,

Today I will present a very useful tool for analyzing visits to sites: Piwik.

Piwik, like Google Analytics, collects and analyzes information about visits to a site. In addition to visits, it is possible to track downloads, clicks on links, manage e-commerce purchases, and more. Basically everything you can do with Google Analytics is also possible with Piwik. The code is all open and available in Github on GPLv3.

The great advantage of using Piwik is that you can host the data on your own server, this already allows you to avoid multiple spy problems, but also allows you to develop custom reports with the information without relying on Google for this.

Official project website:

Source code of the project:

Android SDK: